Friday, February 20, 2009

Home Theater System - Promises to Make You a Couch-potato

by Shruti Singh

How many of us would like to beat the weekend traffic snarls to go to the movies? This will become a stress in itself rather than an activity to unwind from the hectic week! In the days of recession and with the prices of everything skyrocketing, these little joys of life are now more expensive. The movie tickets, the refreshing drink and the popcorn at the theater all burn a hole in the pockets. If only there was a simpler way to watch one's favourite movies! The solution to this and the in-thing these days is to own a theater, at home of course.

There are many advantages to owning this magnificent piece of technology. One can relax in the comfort of his home and enjoy the movies of his choice. There would be no reason to worry about the long queues at the counters or having to wait for the show to begin. You can comfortable lie down in front of it and let the magic begin with friends and family. Building a Home Theater is now not very difficult. Home theater systems come with multiple speakers to create the ambiance of a movie theater which include special speakers for bass, jazz and pop kind of music. The use of these marvels need not be restricted to watching movies and can extend to even watching sports, listening to music and even other entertainment programs. You are at command and so all the conditions can be adjusted to one's own preferences. Sports buff will vouch for the fact that watching sports on a High-Definition television with superb acoustics to accompany it and watching it on a regular television are poles apart. Watching a football match on a Home Theater would excite the lovers of the sport just as it would at the football stadium.

All the major brands have come out with many models of the system to suit the different dimensions of the hall and also to fit the budget. The Samsung Home Theater is equipped with a Wi-Fi connectivity and has options for USB, Headset, AM and FM. Upto 5 CDs can be stored in it at a time and it can process DTS , Dolby Digital and Dolby Pro Logic II formats of audio. The Samsung Home Theater can emanate music upto 1200 Watts. Another well-known and long-standing player in the audio sector Philips also has come out with a range of Home Theater systems to choose from. The Philips Home Theaters start from a modest 140 Watts and increases up to 1000 Watts. These gadgets function as DVD Players also adding more value to money.

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